Axonaut, a UNICEF – Friendly Company

Axonaut est entreprise Amie de l'UNICEF

  • Publié le28/12/2022

    Temps de lecture 2 Mins

  • Publié le 28/12/2022

    Temps de lecture 2 Minutes

    The entire Axonaut team is proud to announce today its full commitment to the protection and education of children! We are now a UNICEF “Friendly Company”! We explain everything in our article ?

    Axonaut, a French start-up established in Toulouse, has currently 21 employees and is about to reach the milestone of 4500 customers.  Launched with the idea of revolutionizing the world of entrepreneurs and small businesses, our team offers an intuitive and easy-to-use customer-relationship management software. Today, we are incredibly ambitious, and we wish to play our part and make our own social contribution.  However, our goals are not pertaining to turnover and efficiency only.  We also want to participate in the development of Toulouse’s economic growth and get involved in the struggle for causes that matter to us.

    At Axonaut, (believe it or not) everything is organized around mutual decision-making.  Each employee has his/her own voice and every single one of them counts in Axonaut’s management.  It therefore seemed obvious to the lot of us that we had to take advantage of this process to go the extra mile in our Corporate Social Responsibility approach. All employees subsequently proposed the causes that were dear to them: protection of the environment, defense of human rights, promotion of entrepreneurship, the animal cause, advocacy for child protection… A poll was launched, and the support of world’s children gathered the greatest number of votes among the “Axonautiz”.

    Indeed, some paperwork later, Axonaut asserts its commitment to UNICEF Haute Garonne, which has allowed us to become a “UNICEF – Friendly Company”.

    The aim of this commitment is to contribute to the protection and development of children by supporting, at its own level, UNICEF actions and initiatives such as the distribution of emergency kits for children (including, for example, blankets to fight against the cold, a cover to protect against bad weather, a container to collect water or store food, water purification tablets to purify water).

    Investing in children means “saving, protecting and educating”, as UNICEF so strongly advocates. We fully support this cause and participate concomitantly in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.  We are aware that this is but only a drop in the ocean, but we believe in this program and in our abilities to create a snowball effect around the “start-up nation”. We want to keep the momentum going and will be partnering more and more with various organizations in the years to come.  As a start-up, we absolutely intend to promote unity through a culture of responsible management.

    This initiative marks a new step in the development of our company, and we hope that you will be supporting us along the way, whether you are a client, partner or shareholder, to urge us to always give our best.

    -Written by Ayesha, UNICEF volunteer and Axonaut employee